Episode #1

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A little about me...and this campaign.

23 January 2020

A week ago, on January 15th, I officially announced my candidacy for the Victoria City Council By-election. It happened to also be “Snowmageddon” in Victoria, with 30cm of snowfall and high winds. The symmetry between these two events is poetic....and important. This is how my campaign is going to be. It will require hard work and dedication; and we will overcome obstacles with our strength and our sense of fun! 

In early December 2019, I spoke to each member of my family, my work family and personal friends about my interest in running for City Council. I needed to speak to each of them individually to ensure them that I would still be available to support them in their needs, even as I was sure to be caught up in a whirlwind of new experiences. Because my number one priority is People. I was humbled by their responses, and their immediate offers to support me. Their responses reinforced my belief that people, and the relationships and effects we have on each other, are, and should be, our main focus.

While there is so much to love about our city, one of the most frequent concerns I’m hearing is affordability. From housing to day-to-day living costs, Victoria needs to be a place where we all have the opportunity to thrive. It needs to be a place where decision-making aligns with quality of life goals. It needs to be a place that is supported by a strong economy. And it needs to be a place where thoughtful approaches lead to opportunities for all our residents.

I love Victoria and am committed to this region; it’s where my family has chosen to make our home. For fifteen years my focus has been on advocating for individuals and families within the healthcare system. As a healthcare worker, I am wired to look at underlying cause and effect relationships. Now, I want to bring this same practical, analytical, lens to Council. I want to contribute to real problem-solving – the type that can only happen at the municipal level and leave the political conversations where they should be had – on the provincial and national stages.

In this by-election, voters have ONE name to select. For me to truly understand what you, as a resident of Victoria, need, I am running this campaign independently. 

My campaign headquarters is at 843 Fort Street and you are welcome to stop by and say ‘hi’ between 12-6pm Monday to Friday. If I’m not at my campaign headquarters, keep an eye out for me either on my eBike or in my white VW van with kids, dogs and friends in-tow. I look forward to spending time meeting more residents in all Victoria neighbourhoods, and want to hear from you!

We’ve got this!

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