Episode #5 |

The Pulse
The signs are up!

As many of you may have noticed, there are election signs popping up around Victoria. This marks the start of the nomination period. By Feb 28th, we will know who all the other candidates are (but no need for you to know the others - you've already got your girl, right?!?) 

For those of you who know me, you can vouch for me - I do not lead with an ego or personal agenda. But, after hearing personally from hundreds of you who I have never met before, I am stronger in my conviction: this City needs me! 
  • Who can shepherd people and families through uncertain times? Me. I'm a nurse.
  • Who can bring energy and excitement to every conversation? Me. I'm a competitive team captain.
  • Who can bring diverse opinions together and push through to an action we can all get behind? Me. I'm a healthcare leader supporting large-scale change initiatives.
  • Who can project where money needs to be allocated so that we can still provide top-level services, innovate, and balance the budget? Me. I'm a Manager.
So, getting back to the ego part...at the beginning of my campaign I joked with colleagues about having my campaign slogan be, "Trust me. You'll love me!". Though they agreed, they quickly reminded me that nobody should ever trust a politician! That day I chose to NOT be a politician. However, I'll have to play one on TV :)

Ultimately, I'm not in this for me. I'm in this for Victoria. I'm the fresh face who also has a proven-track record for leading and inspiring teams. I've managed a budget well. And, as my 3 year-old says...I'm fun!

Some of my accomplishments include:
  • Managing over 200 nurses and Leading the interdisciplinary teams on the Oncology Care and Lung Health units at Royal Jubilee Hospital (RJH).
  • Providing structure, support, and resources for all leaders in Island Health (>18, 000 employees) who support learning and improved performance within their healthcare teams.
  • Leading the design, implementation, and ongoing sustainment for staff operating with new clinical information systems, care delivery models, legislation requirements, and system changes.
  • Project managing and leading the staff transition for the opening of new healthcare facilities, most recently the Westshore Urgent Primary Care Centre. Other facility transitions I have lead teams through include: opening the Patient Care Centre at RJH, the Urgent Care Centre at Oceanside Health Centre in Parksville and the North Island Hospital facilities in Comox and Campbell River.
  • Doing all of this and maintaining a sense of humour, reality, excitement, and possibility.
Victoria, on April 4th it's your vote. A vote for me will strengthen our community. I will help lead a healthier and happier city. For everyone!
I want a lawn sign too!
Featured Canvasser

I met Joy at a music concert in a local venue and boy did we hit it off. She almost knocked me over! The next day, she found me online and willingly offered her devoted support and became a key canvasser for my campaign. Here’s what she has to say about her experience:

“I have not known Rachael long, about a month or so, but every day I am grateful that I tumbled into her world. She is an extraordinary human and each time I canvass with her reinforces how much I like and respect her. When people answer their door what they immediately see is a disarming 100 watt smile. […] Then she listens, takes notes, and responds with more questions or gives her own thoughtful take on an issue.

Victoria city council (desperately) needs Rachael Montgomery.”

Joy Robinson

Few Superstar Saturday Canvassers, from left to right:
Kevin, colleague and smartest human I know; Ame-lia, new friend and most emotionally intelligent person I know; Shannon, kindest and most efficient person I know; Me, most suitable candidate for Victoria City Council by-election!!
Taking the picture is Ken McFarlan, colleague and most supportive and trusting friend.
Schedule your canvassing shifts
Running a successful campaign is not possible without the help of patrons like you. Consider making a donation and help me get elected and be your voice at the Victoria City Council.
Fireside Chat
The Fireside Chat has created great opportunities to meet amazing local people. Last week I heard from Mary, an activist Poet; Ali, an environmental activist and insurance broker; Joy, a former media writer, new friend and campaign volunteer. Several others stopped by, enjoyed a cookie and left with a smile before moving into their weekend. 

Come join the conversation! We're here every Friday afternoon from 3-5pm at the Campaign HQ: 843 Fort Street.

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