Episode #2


The Pulse

I’ve been listening...and Victoria...you have so much to say! Here's some of what I am hearing more regularly:

  • "Too much development."
  • "Not enough housing."
  • "I love the bike lanes."
  • "I hate the bike lanes."
  • "I love Victoria. I like how forward-thinking we are."
  • "Victoria needs to pay more attention to what a City needs to do. Less pie in the sky conversations and more work on our aging infrastructure."
  • "Downtown isn't as safe as it used to be, and nobody seems to care."
  • "Our downtown feels more alive than it ever has!"
  • "I'm glad my family was able to get in when it was still affordable."
  • "I wish I/we could afford to stay here. It's a big issue in Victoria."
  • "Homelessness and mental health issues need more attention."
  • "What are you running for, again?!?"

I'm running for City Council because today’s problems are complex and we need local problem-solvers. It is a pivotal time in municipal politics. It's a time for focus; a time for decisiveness; a time for action. And this is my work! As a Manager in healthcare for the past 6 years, and a nurse for the past 15, I lead interdisciplinary teams with complex interests, very limited resources, and high stakes. I can get the job done, and done well. I am ready to bring my energy, enthusiasm and experience to solve some of our City's complex problems!

Learn more about my vision and priorities on my website.


My First Time

Me: How will I win a campaign when it's my first time running? 
     Campaign Team:
You meet enough people who think you're incredible. They remember your name. They tell their people. Everyone remembers to vote for you. 

Me: How will I meet enough people?
     Campaign Team: You go to every event, gathering, doorstep, conference call, dinner, run, meeting, etc. that you can. Listen. Introduce yourself. Put yourself out there.

Me: How will people remember my name?
     Campaign Team: You repeat it constantly in conversation. You rent a storefront with big lettering of your name on it. You print business cards and campaign cards and hand them out at every opportunity. You get lawn signs out to all the people and communities who support you.

Me: How is this all made possible?
     Campaign Team: Money!
Okay, okay...it's way more than that. But seriously, 'Elect Rachael Montgomery' lawn signs on every street will definitely help! Aaaaand, we need people to donate if we're ever going to be able to get those signs printed...
... so... Donate today!

Join the fun!

Canvassing has begun and we have a lot of residents to meet and doors to knock on! We had our first training led by Shannon Graham on January 25th and 26th and the next one is scheduled for February 22nd.    
Register here for our next training session.

Our canvassing efforts happen daily and you can register for a shift here and spread the love with me!

Come to chat!

Please join me on Friday afternoons (3-5pm) for my Fireside Chat series at my Campaign HQ (843 Fort Street). I welcome everyone to come in and let the conversation take us where it needs to go!

Look who's turning 40!

Time flew by since I wore this lovely outfit! On February 12th, I am turning 40 and will be celebrating this milestone with friends and family...and if all goes well, I'll be home by 8:30 and in bed by 9pm! 🥳🤪
Happy birthday to me :)

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